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Brugerdefineret lille genopfyldelig rund tom luksus glasaftapning parfumeolie sprayprøveflaske

Introducing, the Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle by Weili Spray. This product is perfect for those who love to create their own signature scent or those who are looking for a stylish and convenient way to carry their favorite fragrance with them on the go.


Made with high-quality glass, this bottle is not only durable but also gives off a luxurious look and feel. The simple round design makes it easy to grip and hold, while the compact size makes it convenient to travel with. The bottle also features a spray pump that evenly distributes your favorite fragrance, ensuring you smell amazing all day long.


What makes this product stand out is its customizable feature. Weili Spray offers the option to have your bottle engraved with your name or a special message, making it a personalized and unique gift for yourself or a loved one. The refillable design also makes it environmentally friendly by reducing waste and saving you money in the long run.


This empty bottle is perfect for filling with any fragrance of your choice, whether it be a perfume, cologne or essential oil. With a capacity of 5ml, it's the perfect size for carrying with you in your purse or pocket, and the clear glass allows you to easily see how much product is left.


Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, this Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle by Weili Spray is the perfect accessory to take with you. It's also perfect for those who enjoy experimenting with different scents and want a convenient way to sample different fragrances

Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle factory
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle manufacture
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle supplier
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle details
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle supplier
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle manufacture
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle details

Jiangsu, Kina


perfume bottle industry,Personal Care

Kan tilpasses

tekstur af træ

2 ml, 3 ml, 5 ml, 8 ml, 10 ml

Anbefal produkter
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle supplier
Firma profil
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle details
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle manufacture
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle factory
Produktets emballage
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle factory
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle manufacture
1. Er du fabrik eller handelsvirksomhed
Vi er en professionel producent af sprøjter, flasker og krukker. Vores fabrik grundlagt i 2020 og er beliggende i den berømte kosmetiske pakkeby ZHANGJIAGANG
2. Hvad er vores hovedprodukt
Plastflasker, glasflasker, aluminiumtågesprøjter, plasttågesprøjter, hætter, flødeglas og PET-flasker
3. Hvor hurtigt kan jeg få et pristilbud
For de fleste projekter kan vi give dig et pristilbud inden for 24 timer. For noget nyt design, vil vi forsøge at give et bedste tilbud inden for 2-3 dage
4. Hvor lang tid tager det at modtage mine produkter
For generelle produkter vil det tage 15 dage at fremstille dine produkter. For specielle farver vil det tage 25 dage. Men hvis vi har lagre, kan vi sende med det samme
5. Kan jeg få mine egne designprodukter
Ja, vi accepterer OEM & ODM. Hvis du har prøve eller design, vil vi give et hurtigt svar på støbetid, støbeladning. Hvis du ikke har design, skal du bare fortælle os din idé, og vi vil give vores design i henhold til din anmodning
6. Er der et minimumsbestillingskrav
På grund af den daglige produktionskapacitet er meget stor og forsendelsesfragt, accepterer vi ikke små ordrer. Vores mindste ordremængde er 10,000 stk. pr. model, men vi kan hjælpe med at lave flere farver efter eget valg. Det anbefales, at du bestiller en 20"GP eller 40"HC for at reducere enhedsprisen og forsendelsesomkostningerne
7. Kan jeg få en prøve
Ja, for nogle lagervarer kan vi sende med det samme. Og for forsendelsesomkostninger, hvis du er ny kunde, skal du kun give os FEDEX, DHL eller TNT eller UPS konto til fragtafhentning. Hvis du er vores gamle kunde, kan vi sende gratis prøver med undtagelse af visse varer. Hvis du ønsker speciel dekoration eller udskrivning, kan vi hurtigt lave prøver på 7 dage baseret på rimelige prøveomkostninger
8. Hvad er din kontortid
Du kan nå os mellem klokken 8:00 og 10:8 GTM+0086, mandag til lørdag, undtagen kinesiske nationale helligdage. Telefon: 1896-2230-182-18962230182 E-mail: [email protected]
9. Hvordan ved jeg, at jeg kan stole på at bestille hos dig
FENGRUI er medlem af Alibabas Golden Trusted Supplier og har mange erfaringer med eksport. Vi har eksisteret i mere end 8 år og er forpligtet til at give vores kunder 100 % tilfredshed
Custom Small Refillable Round Empty Luxury Glass Bottling Perfume Oil Spray Sample Bottle details

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