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13 tænder Rund flaske

Introducing, the Weili Spray’s 13 teeth Round bottle, the perfect solution for all your storage needs! This versatile bottle can be used to store a wide range of liquids, including perfumes, essential oils, and other aromatic substances. The high-quality materials used in the production of this bottle make it incredibly durable and long-lasting, ensuring that you can enjoy its benefits for years to come.


The Weili Spray’s 13 teeth Round bottle features a sleek and stylish design, making it a great addition to any accessory collection. Its compact size and shape make it easy to store and transport, making it ideal for use on the go. The bottle is lightweight yet sturdy, making it the perfect choice for those who live an active lifestyle.


One of the key benefits of this bottle is its 13 teeth round shape. This design ensures that the contents of the bottle are evenly distributed, preventing spillage and waste. The round shape also makes it easy to clean, ensuring that you can keep the bottle looking as good as new.


The Weili Spray’s 13 teeth Round bottle also features a secure screw-on lid with a spray top, making it simple and easy to dispense your chosen liquid. The spray top ensures that you can use your perfume or essential oil with ease, without the need for expensive atomizers or complicated pumps.


This bottle is a great choice for those who love to experiment with different scents and fragrances. Its wide neck ensures that you can easily fill and refill the bottle with your favorite liquids, giving you the freedom to mix and match different scents to suit your mood or occasion

13 teeth Round bottle factory
13 teeth Round bottle supplier
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13 tænder
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13 teeth Round bottle manufacture
13 teeth Round bottle factory
13 teeth Round bottle manufacture
13 teeth Round bottle factory
13 teeth Round bottle supplier
13 teeth Round bottle supplier
13 teeth Round bottle details
Zhangjiagang Weili Spray Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. blev etableret i 2019, virksomheden er en virksomhed, der er specialiseret i produktion af mikrosprøjter og hule blæsestøbningsflasker, der producerer forskellige sprøjtedyser, kosmetiske dyser, kartonparfumeflasker, penformede sprayflasker og forskellige kosmetikemballage seks serier af næsten 100 sorter, meget udbredt i forskellige kosmetik osv., 50% af produkterne eksporteres direkte eller indirekte til USA, Mellemøsten, Europa og andre regioner og lande. Virksomheden har dannet en komplet fremstillingsindustrikæde, der integrerer F&U-design, fuldautomatisk sprøjtestøbning, højpræcisionsstøbefremstilling, UV-belægning og anden automatisk montage efter proces. Dann et komplet kundeservicesystem, formuler et perfekt testsystem, forbedrer løbende, bliver ved med at forbedre, så "Weili"-mærket er dybt forankret i folkets hjerter. Virksomheden overholder kvalitetspolitikken om "professionel produktion, førende kvalitet", er forpligtet til at give kunderne perfekte kvalitetssikringstjenester og styrker yderligere markedsinnovation og udvikling. Overhold princippet om integritet og win-win samarbejde og bidrag til velstand og udvikling af kosmetikindustrien i ind- og udland
13 teeth Round bottle manufacture
13 teeth Round bottle manufacture
13 teeth Round bottle supplier
13 teeth Round bottle factory
13 teeth Round bottle supplier
13 teeth Round bottle factory

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