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12 mm skrue 2 3 5 10ml parfumeglasflasker

Introducing, Weili Spray's latest product - the 12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles! If you're looking for a reliable and sturdy container to store your perfumes or essential oils, then this product is perfect for you.


With a screw top cap that measures 12 mm in diameter, you can be assured that your precious contents won't spill out or leak. The cap is easy to twist on and off, and the smooth glass surface makes it easy to clean and maintain.


In addition to its practicality, the Weili Spray’s perfume glass bottles are also stylish and elegant. Their clear and transparent appearance allows you to easily see how much product you have left, while the smooth and shiny surface adds a touch of sophistication to your collection.


These bottles come in different sizes, ranging from 2ml to 10ml, which means you can store different amounts depending on your needs. Whether you're on-the-go or at home, these bottles are the perfect solution to all your storage and travel needs.


Weili Spray's 12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles are made from high-quality materials, so they're built to last. They're also lightweight and easy to carry around, making them ideal for those who are always on-the-go.


With its affordable price point, you won't have to spend a fortune on perfume bottles anymore. The Weili Spray’s perfume glass bottles are an excellent value for your money, and they're sure to last you a long time

12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles details
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles supplier
Place of Origin
Brand Name
Surface Håndtering
industriel brug
PERFUME, Essential Oil, Skin Care Serum
Krave materiale
Plast Type
10ml, 5ml, 3 ml, 2 ml
udvendig diameter
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles details
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles factory
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles supplier
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles manufacture
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles details
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles supplier
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles supplier
Zhangjiagang Weili Spray Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. blev etableret i 2019, virksomheden er en virksomhed, der er specialiseret i produktion af mikrosprøjter og hule blæsestøbningsflasker, der producerer forskellige sprøjtedyser, kosmetiske dyser, kartonparfumeflasker, penformede sprayflasker og forskellige kosmetikemballage seks serier af næsten 100 sorter, meget udbredt i forskellige kosmetik osv., 50% af produkterne eksporteres direkte eller indirekte til USA, Mellemøsten, Europa og andre regioner og lande. Virksomheden har dannet en komplet fremstillingsindustrikæde, der integrerer F&U-design, fuldautomatisk sprøjtestøbning, højpræcisionsstøbefremstilling, UV-belægning og anden automatisk montage efter proces. Dann et komplet kundeservicesystem, formuler et perfekt testsystem, forbedrer løbende, bliver ved med at forbedre, så "Weili"-mærket er dybt forankret i folkets hjerter. Virksomheden overholder kvalitetspolitikken om "professionel produktion, førende kvalitet", er forpligtet til at give kunderne perfekte kvalitetssikringstjenester og styrker yderligere markedsinnovation og udvikling. Overhold princippet om integritet og win-win samarbejde og bidrag til velstand og udvikling af kosmetikindustrien i ind- og udland
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles supplier
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles details
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles factory
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles factory
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles supplier
12 mm screw 2 3 5 10ml perfume glass bottles supplier

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